Melrose Sterling Spoon Ring
Melrose Sterling Spoon Ring
Melrose Sterling Spoon Ring
Melrose Sterling Spoon Ring
Melrose Sterling Spoon Ring
Melrose Sterling Spoon Ring

Melrose Sterling Spoon Ring

Regular price $45.00 Sale

There are currently 6 in stock

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The Melrose spoon ring comes from a demitasse (small) coffee spoon first made in 1948 by Gorham. The small flower at the start paired with the perfect amount of foliage is perfect for this sterling spoon ring. The ring has a solid feel that will last for generations.

Dimension of ring:
Current Size: 8 US
Ring Feel: medium

Aaron Paul can re-size any spoon ring to fit your finger free of charge. He takes great care in carefully cleaning each spoon and uniquely turning it into a piece of history you can wear. Each piece of silverware Aaron Paul uses dates back between the early 1800’s to mid 1900’s with a majority of the patterns between 1880’s to 1930’s.

My goal as an artist is to not only show the beauty and history of each piece of art but also the beauty of the person that wears this ring. I believe every person has a unique identity. With this identity and skills learned throughout life they can go into the world and shed light into dark places. My hope is that my art will help remind each person how unique they are and how they are one of a kind.